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2024-25 Undergraduate Academic Catalog | School of Arts and Humanities | Music and Performing Arts | Majors

Music Education, B.S.

[B.S. in MUSIC EDUCATION -  0832]

Successful completion of the Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education leads to New York State initial certification to teach vocal and instrumental music in kindergarten through grade 12. As an alternative to employment in the public schools, music education graduates also find employment in private schools, private studio teaching, and the music industry. Students follow a vocal, band instrument, or string instrument music education curriculum track.  


Minimum Total Hours:

Total Liberal Arts Hours Required:  64

General Education Requirements:  Per Core Curriculum Requirements list (see General Education Council). Exceptions: only one fine arts course is required (ARTS 1010 or FNAR 1200) and MUSC 1910, Introduction to Music, is not permitted; the 3-semester-hour history/economics/social sciences elective is not required.

Minimum Requirements:  Overall and major GPA of 2.7; no grade less than C in the major; C+ or higher in 100- and 200-level education courses; B- or higher in 300- and 400-level education courses; minimum grade of C in COMM 1105, COMP 1010, and mathematics proficiency course.  

Transfer Requirements:  Audition.  See institutional transfer policies.

Application to Major:  Entrance audition is required.  A minimum overall GPA of 2.7 is required to be accepted and to remain in the major.  A minimum GPA of 2.0 in all music courses is required to be accepted to the major.  Students must pass applied area performance proficiency during sophomore year. Standard institutional major application must be submitted to the Music Department prior to the proficiency; students cannot take upper-level Music Education courses if the major application is not approved. In addition, students must apply to the Teacher Education Department after completing two EDUC courses and must apply to student teach by the appropriate deadline.  Contact the Teacher Education Department for specific deadlines and forms.

Major Requirements:  65-66 hours

  • Core Music Requirements for all Music Education Majors (Vocal, Instrumental, Strings):
    • 12 semester hours of music theory (MUSC 1101, MUSC 1102, MUSC 2103, MUSC 2104)
    • 4 semester hours of aural skills (MUSC 1201, MUSC 1202, MUSC 2203, MUSC 2204)
    • 3 semester hours of orchestration (MUSC 3901)
    • 8 semester hours of music history and literature (MUSC 2301, MUSC 2302, MUSC 3303)
    • 3 semester hours of conducting (MUSC 2401 and MUSC 3402 OR 3403)
    • 12 semester hours of applied voice/instrument/strings/piano (all instrumental/string majors take 11 semester hours of their applied instrument and 1 semester hour of voice)
    • 8 semesters of ensemble/7 semester hours for credit (0 credit during student teaching)
    • 8 semesters of Music Seminar (MUSC 1900)
    • Senior Recital
    • Piano proficiency (Class Piano I, II, III or IV taken until the proficiency exam is passed).
  • Additional Music Education Requirements by Voice (V), Instrumental (I) and String (S):
MUSC 3601Piano Pedagogy I  (2)x
MUSC 125Percussion Methods (1)xxx
MUSC 1503String Methods (1)xxx
MUSC 2501Brass Methods I (1)xxx
MUSC 2502Brass Methods II (1)x
MUSC 3501Woodwind Methods I (1)xxx
MUSC 3502Woodwind Methods II (1)x
MUSC 3631String Pedagogy (2)x
MUSC 2511Class Guitar (1)x
MUSC 3511/3512/3513Secondary Instrument  (1)xx
MUSC 3521School Music Methods (3)xxx
MUSC 4611Musical Stage Performance (2)x
MUSC 3523Instrumental Methods (3)xx
MUSC 3522Vocal Methods (3)x
MUSC 3701Jazz Theory/ImprovisationXX
MUSC 4501K-12 Music Ed Student Teaching Seminar (1)xxx
  • Teacher Education Requirements:
    19 semester hours (TEDU 1850, TEDU 1950, TEDU 2940, TEDU 4030, TEDU 4031); Training in Identification and Reporting of Child Abuse and Maltreatment; and Training in School Violence Prevention and Intervention.

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