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Program Support

Teacher Support

BELL Students work closely with support staff throughout the program to self-determine goals in academic, social, and vocational areas as steps toward meeting their overall program goals.

  • Students under New York State Education Department are supported by special education teachers and support staff  from Monroe #2 Orleans BOCES.
  • Students no longer receiving New York State Education are supported by CP Rochester staff.

Peer Support

Roberts Wesleyan University undergraduate and graduate students serve as mentoring partners in two different types of roles:

  • Academic: Academic mentoring partners support BELL student access to college courses at Roberts. They attend together class regularly, meet weekly for individual academic coaching sessions, and are available throughout the week as needed. Training is provided to support students’ executive functioning and academic growth.
  • Social: Social mentoring partners work together to become better acclimated to the RWU campus, participating together in a variety of campus social activities and experiences (during and outside Program Hours).

Employment Support

BELL students participate in a variety of unpaid experiences as they work toward the goal of competitive employment. These experiences prepare students for the workforce by providing them with hands-on opportunities to learn transferable job skills.

Administrative Support

The BELL Program is administered by Roberts Wesleyan University, in partnership with CP Rochester and Monroe 2 Orleans BOCES.

Questions? Contact Mikaela Potter, BELL Program Director at Roberts Wesleyan University

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